domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Steampunk Huntress


Del diario de milady Isabelle “Dinamita” Roses.

"He recorrido medio mundo en una de las aéreo barcazas del capitán Jacob “Trueno” Jonson detrás de esos malditos Crangurs.
Ya le dije al doctor, a Sir Nicolas Redfield, lo peligroso que podían llegar a ser sus “Autómatas para el Recreo Infantil”. En malas manos, estos juguetes se podrían convertir en armas malvadas.
Los infames Crangurs de Venus realizaron un movimiento muy inteligente apoderándose de aquellas maquinas. Sus cuerpos proto plasmáticos de poca utilidad abrían de servirles en la Tierra para consumar sus horrendos crímenes. Una vez que poseyeron a los autómatas y se sirvieron de estos como sus propios cuerpos comenzaron con las carnicerías.
Los he perseguido inagotablemente por todos los continentes y he acabado con ellos transformándolos en chatarra. Al “Soldadito de Plomo” en Paris, a la “Muñequita de Porcelana” en Marrakech… Eran casi incontables.
Por fin pude dar caza al ultimo, el peor de todos, el “Osito de Peluche” aunque tuve que perseguirlo hasta este ancestral desierto australiano.
Pero mi venganza contra los Crangurs aun no ha acabado. Esto es solo el principio."

Isabelle Roses.

Ilustración hecha con Photoshop.


From the diary of lady Isabelle “Dynamite” Roses.

"I've traveled around the world in one of the air – barges of the captain Jacob "Thunder" Jonson behind those damn Crangurs.
I told the doctor, Sir Nicholas Redfield, how dangerous it could become their “Automatic Toys for Children”. In the wrong hands, these toys could become evil weapons.
The infamous Crangurs of Venus realized a very intelligent movement getting hold of those machines. His bodies proto plasmatic of few usefulness were opening of serving them in the Earth for consumar his horrible crimes. As soon as they possessed to the automatons and were served these as his own bodies they began with the butchers.
I have chased them inexhaustibly for all the continents and have finished with them transforming them into scrap. The "Tin Soldier" at Paris, the "Porcelain Doll" in Marrakech ... They were almost countless.
I was finally able to hunt down the last, worst of all, the "Teddy Bear" but I had to chase up this ancient Australian desert.
But my revenge against Crangurs still not finished. This is just the beginning."

Isabelle Roses.

Illustration done with Photoshop.


Girl and Bear:
Desert and rocks:
Claws and fangs:
Smoke brushes:
Metal Materials:
Ship: Personal stock photo.

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